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The Climate Issue

Editorial Design, Photography, Art Direction

No, I didn’t actually get published in Vox (though, maybe someday). This project found me repositioning an article from one publication to another through its design. I took a bit of a scenic route for this one, repositioning an article originally written for Vox into a new medium rather than a new publication.

Models: Maddie Gabhart, Kyle Gluntz, Peyton Hunt


We’ve got a big issue on our hands— or rather, under our feet. Everyone with ears (or a phone) has heard about global warming, and the insane impacts it will have on our daily lives in a very near future. Instead of repositioning this article from Vox Media to a new publication, I decided to think of how Vox themselves could strategically work with the article to make a more intimate connection with readers.



Let’s talk positioning. Instead of resigning this article’s fate as doomed to the web-screen void, my concept delivers it as an exhibition space seared straight into viewers’ retinas. The article design tells the story of this lopsided paper town, ravaged by forces greater than them— the climate. Over time, the town will disintegrate with the elements, alluding to the very real fate we all are facing. Living as a zine with all the structure of the main article, Surviving the Carbon Crisis becomes an intimate experience for exhibition viewers, guiding them through the space and imbuing the sense of urgency this situation demands.

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